Learn To Explore!

The place to build your future from ground.

sittin people beside table inside room
sittin people beside table inside room


Social Effect Network is an NGO created to educate and facilitate opportunities for professional development. Career is the most important stepping stone when starting an independent life. Thus, we aim to build a 360-degree approach that equips youth with the necessary skills and resources to succeed in their chosen fields. This we achieve through the Erasmus+ programme and by facilitating study admissions to universities in Europe.

What Makes Us Unique?

Who can can understand you better if not your fellow who went through the same struggle as You?

We formed our team around young individuals who understand challenge of being young, ambitious and inexperienced in modern world where professional background is everything. We worked hard to build our network of partners and collaborators just to make your your journey easier and exciting (as it should be)!

woman and man sitting in front of monitor
woman and man sitting in front of monitor

Gateway To Study in Europe

We believe that studying abroad should be an exciting and rewarding experience. Our mission is to simplify the process, helping you seamlessly navigate your way to prestigious universities across Europe. Unlike others, we prioritize your needs, thus enabling you to make informed choices about your academic future. Our dedicated team is here to assist you in crafting a successful application, represent you in chosen institution and advise on increasing your chances for success.

group of people wearing black academic dress
group of people wearing black academic dress
blue and yellow star flag
blue and yellow star flag

Our Initiatives

Ongoing updates, latest calls to join international Erasmus+ projects, professional development activities and other opportunities.

Erasmus+ For Your Career

We firmly believe that participation in Erasmus+ projects and mobilities can be a turning point in your life. By participating in Erasmus+ projects and mobilities, you'll not only enhance your career prospects but also expand your cultural horizons, develop lifelong friendships, and gain a fresh perspective on the world.

man standing near cliff looking at body of water during daytime
man standing near cliff looking at body of water during daytime
four person hands wrap around shoulders while looking at sunset
four person hands wrap around shoulders while looking at sunset

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Gedimino g. 47-423, Kaunas, Lithuania